What Are the Most Popular Tattoos for Girls?

a red tattoo on a girl's belly

The art of inking the skin has been a part of human history for centuries. It’s a form of self-expression, rebellion, or simply an aesthetic choice. For girls, tattoos aren’t just about inking an appealing design and telling a story. As we journey into the world of tattoos, it’s clear how specific designs have found a special place in many girls’ hearts.

Tattoo Trends Through Time

Classic Flowers

Nature, in all its glory, has been a perennial source of inspiration. Among nature-inspired tattoos, floral designs stand tall. While roses often symbolize love and passion, lilies denote purity, and cherry blossoms embody the transient nature of life. Moreover, each flower, from daisies to marigolds, has a story, making them an evergreen tattoo choice for many.


Butterflies have been a popular choice for years to symbolize transformation, hope, and life. Their fleeting beauty and rich symbolism perfectly blend aesthetics and meaning. With a plethora of colors and species, they’re adaptable to various styles and personalities.


A beacon in the dark, stars symbolize hope, guidance, and wishes. The nautical star, rooted in maritime history, represents a guide to get one through tough times. Many gravitate towards star tattoos, lured by their simplicity, elegance, and deep symbolism.

Modern-Day Favorites

Infinity Symbols

Signifying endless possibilities, the infinity symbol has captured many hearts. The looping figure-eight design represents eternality and limitless possibilities. Paired with other symbols or words, it takes on an even deeper meaning, expressing boundless love or endless memories.

Finger Tattoos

A trend that has caught on rapidly, finger tattoos, despite their size, make a significant statement. Whether it’s a word that motivates, a tiny heart, or an intricate design, these tattoos are for those who prefer understated elegance.

Geometric Tattoos

Geometry, with its precise lines and shapes, has found its way into the tattoo world. From intricate patterns to simple shapes, geometric tattoos have a way of resonating with the artistically inclined. Their sharp lines and symmetry offer a modern touch to the ancient art of tattooing. See below for the best geometric tattoo in Bali.

Cultural and Tribal Designs


Hailing from ancient Indian spiritual traditions, mandalas are concentric designs representing the cosmos and unity. Their intricate patterns aren’t just visually stunning but also offer a spiritual connection, making them a popular choice for many.


A token of protection, dreamcatchers, with their intricate webbed design, are believed to ward off negative energies. With feathers and beads, they are not only rich in symbolism but also in aesthetics.

Symbols of Empowerment for Girls


Beyond the seas and ships, anchors symbolize stability, hope, and grounding. They remind the wearer of staying grounded despite life’s storms, making them an emblem of strength.


Light, free, and soaring high, feathers epitomize freedom, courage, and new beginnings. Their diverse designs, from peacock feathers to simple quills, cater to various tastes.

Personal Connections

Names and Initials

Inking a name or initial is like wearing one’s heart on their sleeve. It’s an intimate expression of love, whether for a partner, child, or a personal reminder of one’s own identity.

Birthdates and Zodiac Signs

Astrological symbols and birth dates are personal markers of identity. They connect the wearer to cosmic energies, their traits, and the universe’s vastness.

The Minimalistic Approach Girls Usually Opt In

Dot Tattoos

At times, less speaks more. A single dot or a series can symbolize various life events, memories, or simply an appreciation for minimalism.

Lines and Shapes

Minimalism thrives on simplicity. A single line, a triangle, or a circle can be emblematic of life’s simplicity amidst chaos.

Adaptable Designs for Girls

Watercolor Tattoos

Breaking the monotony of black ink, watercolor tattoos bring a splash of color. Their fluid strokes and vibrant hues replicate the beauty of watercolor paintings, making each design unique.

Temporary Tattoos

For those hesitant to make a permanent mark, temporary tattoos are a godsend. They allow for experimentation, and their fleeting nature mirrors life’s transience.

Tattoos are a canvas of self-expression, and their popularity among girls showcases diverse tastes and evolving trends. From timeless classics to modern designs, there’s something for everyone. While this list captures the most popular choices, the best tattoo is one that resonates personally.